Budget Day • The United Nations meets in the General Assembly

Budget Day • The United Nations meets in the General Assembly


NOS . News

good morning! Today it is Prinsjesdag and for the first time since Corona, this is possible again with the public and the traditional driving tour and balcony scene. The whole day can be watched live on NOS. The United Nations General Assembly begins in New York.

A few rains will come with a new northwesterly wind. During the day it becomes drier with more sun space. The maximum temperature will be 17 degrees in the afternoon.

Weather Plaza

Again September 20

What do you expect today?

  • It’s Prinsjesdag and for the first time since Corona’s time, this is again possible in the normal way: with a driving tour and a balcony scene at Noordeinde Palace. The Throne Speech is read from Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague.
  • Later in the afternoon, Finance Minister Kaag presented the Budget Note, next year’s budget, to the House of Representatives. On the budget, the Cabinet I negotiated until the last minute. Broadcasting on NPO 1 and NOS.nl starts at 12.25 pm, on NPO Radio 1 you can follow Prinsjesdag live from 12.00 pm. We also maintain a live blog on NOS.nl.
  • And in New York, the United Nations General Assembly begins. Among the speakers are Turkish President Erdogan, German Chancellor Schulz and French President Macron. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov is also present.

What did you miss?

In The Hague there is a “serious fear of disturbing public order And safety in Prinsjesdag. “According to the police, some tractors were stopped in the city around 6.30 am.

Today there is an emergency order for the Hague Centre. The municipality reported that farmers who come to town with tractors have been sent back.

Other news from the night:

Then this:

For the first time since Corona, Prinsjesdag is back again in a traditional way, although the location is different. The concert is not in the Ridderzaal, but in Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. The tour departs from Noordeinde Palace to the theater from 1 pm. Stable instructor Hans Veenhuijzen of the Royal Stable division ensures that the ride goes smoothly:

Stalmeester Veenhuijzen: It’s great to have a driving tour again after the Corona years

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