Danielle van ‘t Schip, 53, daughter of Williki Alberti and Job Onk, grew up partly at home with John de Mol, who married her mother in 1976. On social media, ex-football player John van ‘t Schip’s wife lets us know her look different on booWatch the interview.
“I may not be completely objective about this, but I still wanted to share my feelings. My dad John, who came in yesterday boo In an interview, I got a lot of negativity this morning, especially regarding the phrase “women should report abuse.” If you look at the entire interview, my feeling is that there’s a loving guy sitting there expressing his feelings – still in shock at the pictures he just saw. Note, he taught me to eat with knife and fork.”
Not a cold impression
Johan Dirksen was allowed entry on Thursday evening Sixth day He knows his employer has made a good impression on him. “I thought he was very brave to have De Mol, who is called ‘coward’ everywhere. I found that he answered all questions very calmly and in a controlled manner. I disagreed with him on some points, but it was possible. But I didn’t think he made an impression. cold out there.”
What Dirksen found “very bad”: “The only thing de Mol was completely wrong: If you’re a chief of such concern, and there is something about sexual harassment, there is only one punishment,” says de Snor, referring to the situation surrounding the band leader. Ex Jeroen Rietbergen, until recently John de Molle’s son-in-law.
Danielle with her half-brother Johnny de Mol in 1994.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”