Boer cattle farmer Jouke and Karlijn are looking for a woman who gives a relationship update

Boer cattle farmer Jouke and Karlijn are looking for a woman who gives a relationship update

Yvonne Jaspers travels Our farm is in Europe With Jockey to Jersey in the British Channel. This place makes a farmer’s heart beat faster, because that’s where Jersey’s beloved cows come from. There it turns out that in addition to his cows, Karlijn is also still in his life.

The two are still happy together. They just don’t live together. “I’m only with Jouke on the weekends, so I kind of live in my suitcase,” says Karlijn. Jouke has big plans for the future, about which Karlijn still has doubts.

For example, Jouke would like to emigrate to France, because farmers there have to deal with more favorable land costs and milder regulations than in the Netherlands. “I think it’s exciting,” Carlene frankly admits when Yvonne asks how she views the plan.

“Imagine that he wants to go to France tomorrow. Then I have to think about it. Because I understand very well that if you can build your dream there, it will have a lot of weight.”

Will their relationship fall apart? It doesn’t seem like that at the moment. “We do everything in consultation these days, Yvonne,” Jockey assured the presenter. Laughing Farmer Carlin is now number one with his cows.

Our farm is in Europe It can be seen every Sunday at 21.25 on NPO 1 and you can Look back here.

RTL Boulevard spoke with Jouke and Karlijn about their (secret) love affair. And then it turned out that the farmer wanted to speed up a little more than his girlfriend:

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