Bo van Erveen Dorens criticizes Men’s Health cover by Jaap Risema

Bo van Erveen Dorens criticizes Men’s Health cover by Jaap Risema

Yap’s management recently informed RTL Boulevard that the photo shoot, which was supposed to take place last September, had been postponed “in good consultation” due to his busy summer work schedule. Exactly when Yap is on Men’s healthThe cover will be displayed as not yet known.

BoGab asks what he thinks about the criticism directed at him Men’s healthCover models present a certain ideal image. Quoting critics: “There are young people who think this is the body they have to achieve.”

The singer, whose weight was 112 kilograms at his peak, explains that he hopes to present a realistic image. “That’s why I don’t want to look silly on this cover, but I want to show that it’s possible,” he says of “Transformation.” “And if that motivates anyone even a little bit, then I think something has already been gained. Of course, as with everything, there has to be a little bit of balance.”

“On the one hand, you’re a good role model, and on the other hand, you’re also a questionable role model, because you’re actually saying, ‘This is the ideal body and this is what you should actually look like.’ And to do that, you’ll have to be incredibly hard work. Bo continues. Yap can’t help but agree to some extent. “This often happens in a very short time, which is of course not good,” he says of his training schedule, which he has postponed.

It’s a sensitive topic for Angela Chegev, who is also a guest in Italy and joining the conversation. “I actually want us to talk about it less,” says Beau when she says she’s striving to have a body as athletic and flexible as hers. “It’s not so much about my body, it’s just in general. I’m at the point where I think, ‘Let’s be healthy.’ Angela has previously spoken about her eating disorder.

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This was the last episode of the season Casa de Po. You can watch the episode on Videoland.

We also spoke to Yap about his waste adventure Men’s health:

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