Blizzard: Diablo IV will have no ‘pay2win’ items – Games – News

Game developer Blizzard confirmed in a blog post that its upcoming game Diablo IV won’t do that pay2winIt will contain the items. This announcement comes shortly after the release of the original mobile game Diablo Immortal, which contains many of these elements.

Diablo IV gets Content seasons system and after the season ends, the characters are transferred to the so-called eternal worldAnd the Along with all the other characters from previous seasons. This design, coupled with profit limit Paragon Points In the game, you must “make sure that your effort and skills” […] Determine how strong your character is.” The company also states that you “will not be able to pay for energy in Diablo IV.”

blizzard verb In 2019 statements too About what won’t be on sale in the store, he said he expects to be limited to makeup. Then the developer shrugged it off by saying it was “still early” to finalize those kinds of plans. Now Blizzard shows where Energy It comes from and where it does not. The timing might have something to do with how Diablo Immortal handled that and how fans reacted to it.

Diablo Immortal was released earlier this year for Android, iOS, and Windows. While the gameplay hasn’t necessarily received much criticism, the gaming audience has been particularly critical of the pay2win elements of that game. To get the highest gear, players will do just that Tens of thousands of euros To buy loot boxes. This game is not available in the Netherlands and Belgium. According to Blizzard, this is due to “the current operating conditions in these countries”. The Company may be referring to our legislation regarding loot boxes.

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This does not mean that in Diablo IV you do not get a chance to withdraw the wallet at all. so called Premium coin Back to the party. This can be obtained with real money and can be used for cosmetic upgrades.

Blizzard has also stated that it expects to release four seasons of Diablo IV per year. They introduce new features, quests, enemies, legendary items, and more.

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