US President Joe Biden has persuaded G7 leaders to meet at a summit in the Gulf of Corbis (UK) and launch a major infrastructure project to counter China’s progress.
In this sense, the G7 leaders agreed this Saturday to launch an effort to “rebuild the world better” (better rebuild the world) in response to the huge infrastructure needs of middle- and high-income countries.
The project seeks to be an alternative to the Chinese project “One Belt, One Road” (One Belt, One Belt), which aims to revive the so-called Silk Road by modernizing infrastructure and telecommunications to improve connectivity between Asia and Europe.
The U.S. government is implementing its infrastructure initiative as a collaboration between major democracies, guided by “values, high standards and transparency”.
The White House said the plan would “help reduce infrastructure needs by more than $ 40 trillion for developing countries, and this has been exacerbated by the Govt-19 epidemic.”
The U.S. program aims to raise capital from the private sector to promote projects in four areas: climate, health care, digital technology and gender equality.
During this summit of the leaders of the world’s most industrialized democracies (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Japan and the European Union), Fiden draws attention to China, which is vying for world supremacy against the United States. .
Earlier, a Washington executive criticized the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” project in a statement to reporters, saying it had left many countries in a bad situation, given its transparency, poor workmanship and environmental standards.
In parallel, Biden is pushing the G7 to take “decisive action” against “forced labor” in the northwestern Chinese province of Xinjiang, where the Uyghur minority lives.
“We want to make it clear to the world that we believe these practices are an insult to human rights and an outrageous example of unfair economic competition from China,” he said.
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