Belgian youths throw manhole covers at trucks, killing one person

Belgian youths throw manhole covers at trucks, killing one person

Noos News

In Belgium, two incidents occurred within a short period of time, in which young men threw a manhole cover from a bridge onto the cab of a truck. A week and a half ago, a truck driver died as a result. The cap went through the windshield of his truck.

On the night of Friday 10 to Saturday 11 May, a group of young men in Heron, in the Walloon department of Liège, allegedly tied a manhole cover to a belt and threw it off a motorway bridge. A 50-year-old Romanian truck driver did not survive. His wife, who was sitting next to him, did it.

Last week, five suspects were arrested, two of whom were minors. According to Flemish Radio VRT They are 18 and 17 years old, and they are from Namur province.

The Namur prosecutor’s office said the three adults were suspected of “harmfully obstructing traffic resulting in death.” The minors were handed over to the juvenile judge. According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, some of the suspects used laughing gas.

Another incident

Today, a similar incident was announced. According to Belgian media, a group of young people behaved in the same way on May 8, on a bridge over the same highway. After that, they also targeted a Romanian truck driver.

This driver escaped unharmed. He sustained damage to his truck. The Namur Prosecutor’s Office assumes that a manhole cover on a rope was also thrown from a bridge here. He wrote that two suspects had been arrested: an underage boy and an “adult woman.” Standard. The woman is suspected of “maliciously obstructing traffic.”

According to the Walloon newspaper L’Avenir The suspects may have been playing a game that was intended to damage passing trucks with the manhole cover.

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