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Barbara de Lure goes The Netherlands is on the move Present. She succeeds Olga Commander, who was the face of the show for 23 years, but announced in April that she was taking a hiatus.
The 49-year-old De Loor is famous for her professional skating career. She specialized in the middle distances and became the world champion in the 1000m in 2005. She is also an ambassador for IT4Kids, an organization committed to children in the Netherlands for whom sport is not a given due to physical or financial challenges.
“Introducing The Netherlands in Motion fits perfectly with the work I’ve been doing since I stopped skating: taking people from young to old,” says De Loor. She will be seen alongside Duco Bauwens, who has been a regular face on the show since 2007.
But fifteen minutes
For now, the new presenter is working with her co-presenter to come up with new exercises. As a result, De Loor understands what is involved in a program aimed at stimulating physical activity.
“In those 15 minutes, you want to do it as best as possible: the exercises need to be possible for everyone, whether standing or using a chair sometimes, and you want to pay attention to all the muscle groups.
Max’s Head of Broadcasting, Jan Slagter, is thrilled De Loor has joined the programme. “It’s important for young and old to keep moving and with Barbara’s arrival I’m sure Holland will get off the couch to get to work.”
De Loor can be seen from September 4th.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”