Barbara Barsma signs Rabo’s trump card in the Van Linden Mask deal

Barbara Barsma signs Rabo’s trump card in the Van Linden Mask deal
Barbara Barsma photo ANP

Barbara BarsmaANP . image

Rabobank’s support has made Van Lienden a serious partner in the discussion for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). This is clear from the book Millions of Sywert From follow the moneyJournalists Jan-Heine Straub and Stefan Vermeulen, to be published on March 24.

Investigative journalists wrote that, from the start of negotiations with the ministry, Van Linden offered the support he received from Rabobank. Van Linden’s feetAuxiliary Forces AllianceOn April 12, 2020, via email from the Ministry. He wrote that his successor had “trust in Dutch heroes of the business world”. He stated that he could provide tens of millions of face masks in the short term “without asking for money directly from the central government.”

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Barbara Parsma, then director of Rabobank Amsterdam, is listed in the email transcript as one of the participants who contributed to the plan. It has arranged a loan of 115 million euros with which the deal for mouth masks (100 million in the end) can be financed if necessary. A “deal team” of five Rabobank employees was also involved in the potential deal, according to internal emails and presentations at Hands. follow the money

Barsma and Van Linden have known each other for years. The UvA economist has been on the supervisory board of G500, a Van Lienden political initiative, since 2012. Both have been regular guests at the table on TV shows in the past. The world goes on† Baarsma acted as a moderator for questions from Rabobankiers to Van Lienden and Co., according to the email movement.

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Van Lienden and his partners Bernd Damme and Camille van Gestel allowed the deal to run through their trading company Relief Goods Alliance. Nor have they made it clear to the bankers that this, for example, is separate from their nonprofit Hulptroepen Alliantie. BV . commitment Make the triple millionaires

Van Lienden, Damme and Van Gestel apparently hid from the bank that the profit would end up in their own trading company. He. She The Public Prosecution Department is investigating Since last month, whether the founders of the Auxiliary Alliance misled their business partners.

Barbara Barsma and Rabobank spokeswoman declined to answer questions from follow the money About their role in the face masks deal.

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