Andres Batista denies increasing patriarchy, accusing Jean-Alain of damaging his image and honor

Former Senate President Andres Batista Garcia has denied that his assets have risen, as pointed out in his final speech to the Ministry of Public Works during a follow-up hearing on the Odebrecht case.

The senior leader of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) argues that he has “the flow of business accounts, but it is not Andres Batista”, advocates for the Special Advocate for Administrative Corruption (PEPCA).

Batista asserted that he had $ 153,000 in reserves at the time of their seizure of those accounts, “all sickness, the perversion of a group established there by the former Attorney General of the Republic”, and de Najayo in prison for his involvement in the case of Jean-Alain Rodriguez Medusa.

“We are confirming our innocence and we are going to reaffirm it at every trial. There are only lies, distortions and unsolvable weaknesses in the public ministry’s accusation, they have no minimum evidence because they are a corner accelerator and want to continue the path of lies, and bring a sad and gruesome scene. People who cheat are Dominican, ”he said.

Batista said the evidence presented by the public ministry to the coercive measures was “nothing different”.

“Lies are lies. We show it with evidence that we were there. They will be disqualified at every presentation, before which the honorable judges consider,” he said.

Batista says the “sickness and perversion” of the group founded by the accused Jean Allen was intended to damage his image and his honor, and to disqualify him politically so that they could cover up those who are truly responsible. They are blaming him. ”

Prior to questions from various media outlets, he stressed that he is always there to talk and highlight every invoice, driver, checks and deposits, which shows that every peso handled by Andres Batista is a product of the companies he is a partner with. Sale of pigs and livestock.

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