An important and surprising update

An important and surprising update

Apple has released iOS 16.6.1, an unexpected update with iOS 17 approaching. It’s wise to update right away, because important security issues are being fixed. You have to know this.

Read more after the announcement.

Apple releases iOS 16.6.1

A new update is available for your iPhone! Apple has released iOS 16.6.1, which fixes a number of major issues with the operating system. No new features will come to your iPhone with the update. This does not make the update any less important, because iOS 16.6 is said to contain a major security issue.

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It is noteworthy that Apple chose to release an update to iOS 16 now, because iOS 17 is about to appear. This is the big iOS update of the year and brings a lot of new features to your iPhone. This update will be released soon, along with five other major Apple updates. So the security issue is so big that Apple couldn’t wait for iOS 17. What’s going on?

Problems with the wallet

Apple hasn’t revealed exactly what issues are fixed in iOS 16.6.1. The company almost never does this in such situations, but Apple has indicated that security issues may have been abused. According to rumors, it has to do with problems with Apple Wallet. This contains debit cards and other digital cards that are on your iPhone.

It is therefore very important that the wallet is secured properly, especially now that it appears that the security issue was already rife on the internet. So update your iPhone to iOS 16.6.1 as soon as possible, so you can make sure that the device’s security is intact again. It seems that the update is so important that it is not possible to wait for iOS 17, so it is wise to install the new iOS 16 version right away.

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iOS 17 is almost here

This is almost certainly the final update to iOS 16, because Apple will introduce the iPhone 15 next week. After a new iPhone is revealed, it usually doesn’t take long before a major iOS update becomes available. Eight betas of iOS 17 have already been released, so it’s likely that Apple is almost ready for the final update. Have you already installed a beta version of iOS 17? Then you can no longer update to iOS 16.6.1.

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If your iPhone is still running iOS 16, we recommend updating to iOS 16.6.1 as soon as possible. It is no coincidence that Apple has already released the update and is not waiting for the release of iOS 17. The new software version is now available to everyone and automatically appears in the settings of your iPhone. Read here how to install the latest version of iOS yourself, so you can make sure your security is intact again.

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