American band Lou’s drummer and singer dies show

American band Lou's drummer and singer dies  show

Mimi Parker, singer and drummer with the American band Low has passed away. Her husband and fellow band member Alan Sparhawk announced it on social media. Parker was 55 years old and had ovarian cancer.

Parker co-founded Low with Sparhawk and guitarist John Nichols in the early 1990s. The band from Duluth, Minnesota, was distinguished by its soft rock songs. Their technique was called slowcore, but the three members didn’t want to do anything with it.

Their first album was released in the United States in 1994 I can live in hope. The record was well received and was included in the list of the best albums of the 90s by music site Pitchfork. Low has produced a total of thirteen albums. Only of these hidden path The 100 best Dutch albums.

Low was still working, but their planned concerts in Germany and the UK, among others, had already been canceled due to Parker’s disease.

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