Aid workers expect an additional influx of thousands for debt relief

Aid workers expect an additional influx of thousands for debt relief

Despite the support packages, debt counselors expect thousands of people to knock on their doors for debt help this year. This stems from a study on the consequences of the Corona pandemic on the debt problem, commissioned by the sector organization NVVK.

According to the researchers, an estimated 33,000 workers have been added with a very high risk of problematic debt as a result of COVID-19. It is about people whose income is 5,000 euros less than before, who find it difficult to make ends meet and who can no longer pay all the bills.

This means additional requests for debt relief assistance. NVVK already helps 80,000 people a year, with a maximum of 18,000 more people in the coming years. “This is without taking into account the effects of the war in Ukraine, high energy prices and strong inflation,” a spokesman for the debt relief umbrella said.

Corona issues mainly affect freelance entrepreneurs and flexible workers. According to the researchers, young people over 55 years of age and people with immigrant backgrounds are also at-risk groups.

159,000 entrepreneurs

In recent months, the flow of debt advice has been slowly increasing. The big wave is expected in October, when entrepreneurs must pay deferred taxes. Existing taxes must be paid again since this month.

end of February There were 159,000 small entrepreneurs who had such outstanding tax debt. “This group is very weak, and a large part of it is personally responsible,” says Jacqueline Zuidweg, of debt relief agency Zuidweg and Partners.

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On average, this group of self-employed people have a tax debt of over €25,000. Some even face hundreds of thousands of debts. Some entrepreneurs They only see a way out of their coronary debt if the tax authorities (partially) cancel the debt.

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