After a speech, Putin is waiting for applause that did not come: the pictures show how his face falls, nervously spinning | outside

After a speech, Putin is waiting for applause that did not come: the pictures show how his face falls, nervously spinning |  outside

A painful moment in the Kremlin yesterday, as Russian President Vladimir Putin lectured some ambassadors during a ceremony. Pictures show him concluding his speech and clearly waiting – at least politely – for the applause, but remaining silent in the hall. whose face drops and gets a little tense.


During the ceremony, the credentials of the new US Ambassador Lynn Tracy and the new European Union Ambassador to Russia Roland Gallagher were accepted. The first photos of the party showed Tracy unaffected, despite Putin’s flogging. Once again, the responsibility for the war in Ukraine has been shifted to the West.

New photos show the end of Putin’s speech. He stands behind a pulpit on one side of a huge room, while ambassadors are lined up along the way on the other side.

dead silence

After wishing them well in their new position and thanking them, he collects his papers and clearly awaits a round of applause. But this is still out.

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The photos show the diplomats standing in a row without showing any emotion. Putin’s face fell and he began to look around nervously, smiling green.

Then he repeats again that the ceremony is over. Ambassadors don’t get to shake hands, just nod from afar. Then Putin waves briefly and leaves the room.

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