Afghan students separated from men who wear curtains at Kabul University | Abroad

Afghan students separated from men who wear curtains at Kabul University |  Abroad

This method of teaching is applied in all universities in major cities. Women are not allowed to take classes with men unless they are separated from each other by a curtain. Women should leave class five minutes earlier than men. Students must also wear clothing that covers them.


“Hanging curtains are not acceptable,” Angela, 21, a student at Kabul University, told Reuters. “I was really freaked out when I walked into class.

Angela says she was sitting separate from her male colleagues, but there was no break. “We’re going back 20 years,” said the student.

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A journalism professor at Herat University said he had to split his one-hour class in half so he could teach women and men separately. Only a quarter of the students showed up on Monday.

“The students were very nervous today,” he says. “I told them to keep taking lessons. The government will make new rules in the coming days.”

The current Taliban generation has promised to be less extremist than it was in the previous era more than twenty years ago. A few days after the movement also captured the capital, Kabul, the Taliban announced that a group of Muslim scholars would determine the rights that women have in Afghanistan.

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