Activision-Blizzard Was Working on Its Own Download Store on Android – Games – News

The mobile port of GTA had the necessary touches and graphical improvements (although that also had drawbacks). Since no one buys games on Android, when you think of serious games, you often think of Fortnite, CoD Warzone, Valorant Mobile, PUBG, Genshin, and those types of games. These devices are very popular in certain regions such as Asia, since more people own phones than computers or consoles.

You also have a fair number of cross-platform games (Marios, Sonics, but also Stardew Valleys) that could also be released on Switch.

Assassin’s Creed Jade seems to be one of the few graphic games without a mandatory online component that is currently being developed for Android.

The normal split is 30% for games that win up to 10 million, 25% on 10 to 50 million, and 20% after that.

This is why Epic has its own store and everyone started creating their own launcher. There may be back-and-forth contracts to reduce costs for certain games (for example, if publishers host the files themselves), but the margins remain high.

Therefore, this is beneficial for large publishers; They only pay 20% and don’t have to set up a global CDN to host all their files or sync their saved games. I think this will save a lot of money. Additionally, your customers are more likely to buy your game on Steam than on UbiConnect.

Apple also gives you a 50% discount until you earn your first million, but after that you can also pay. Google does the same thing. Supermarkets also charge such high margins on many products, and I think Valve and Apple/Google have based their model on this as well.

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