A PCR test is required for winter sports in Austria

A PCR test is required for winter sports in Austria

Winter Sports Editor

Going on winter sports in Austria? As of December 20, 2-G certification will no longer be sufficient. Therefore, vaccinated and recovered people must submit a negative PCR test result to be allowed to enter the country. In other words, winter sports enthusiasts must test before they can ski in Austria.

The Austrian government has just announced that entry rules will be tightened from next Monday. A 2-G certificate is sufficient until Sunday to travel freely into the country, but then a PCR test before entering the country is a must. In this way, Austria hopes to keep infections low in the country.

2G + to enter

In order to prevent the global spread of the omikron variant, entry rules across Austria are being tightened. Anyone wishing to enter Austria will need 2-G proof and a negative PCR test from next Monday (December 20). In addition, a few countries in Africa are designated with entry bans.

Exception for people with strengthening

On .’s website About the Austrian Ministry It can be read that there are two exceptions where people do not need a PCR test. People who have received a booster vaccine do not need to have an additional PCR test. If Minister De Jonge is to be believed, not many Dutch people will soon have to take a test before entering Austria. In addition, there is an exception for cross-border mobility.

Winter sports are still possible

The bright spot in this news is that winter sports are still possible, especially because more and more people are being promoted. Currently, the travel polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is still expensive, but we are curious whether this will remain so in the near future. As you know, the rules are constantly changing. Therefore, if you have any questions, do not ask us, but the competent authorities.

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