The exhibition “De Warmste Week” collects 3,203,455 euros

The exhibition “De Warmste Week” collects 3,203,455 euros

© Garden

3,203,455 euros. That’s how much De Warmste Week has brought. This was announced on Christmas Eve during the closing show on Eén and radio stations MNM and Studio Brussel. Two hundred projects based on the theme “Be who you are” will be part of this. Although this is much lower than what has been collected in recent years.

Eva de Porter

With order records, various promotions and exclusive concerts for a limited audience by Ed Sheeran and Angèle, an impressive sum has been raised. Sheeran’s front fetched 108,429 euros, while Angèle fetched 31,265 euros. The sale of the special pin that VRT organized with KBC raised €200,000. With 3.2 million euros, all 200 projects can be effectively implemented. However, this amount is much lower than in previous years. Last year, it was not money, but time request. In 2019, yes, when the counter was at 1,751,153 euros for an impressive 2,088 charities. A year ago, it was slightly lower at 1,7286,122 euros. In 2017, 1,0846566 euros were collected.

Stephane Tanganagba, Kausar Elaloch, and Gloria Monseries are the three ambassadors for De Warmste Week.  CSKA Shooters (right) gives the closing show.

Stephane Tanganagba, Kausar Elaloch, and Gloria Monseries are the three ambassadors for De Warmste Week. CSKA Shooters (right) gives the closing show. © GARDEN

The closing show started with a Christmas dance for the winners Belgium talentSmall robots. Cesca Shooters spoke together and spoke back to radio presenters Sander Gillis, Finn Germens and Joris Press, as well as with reporters Flo Wendy and Laura Guvertis and DWW ambassadors Gloria Monseries, Kawthar Ihlaloch and Stefan Tanganagba. The latter chose the topic in July. Halalush is the one who announced the amount. Next year there will be another warmer week.

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Selected projects range from guiding assistance dogs, youth movements for children with disabilities, to walking trips for young people with psychological impairment, help after floods in Wallonia and a giant tablet computer for people with dementia. It’s been ten years since De Warmste Week / Music For Life raised funds under one specific theme.

“new cycle”

VRT has been criticized for the fact that no money was raised last year, but volunteer hours. This year, the fundraiser was pulled, albeit in a different form. De Warmste Week chooses to focus on a current social topic. Organizations can submit projects that fall under this topic. The funds raised are used to realize these projects. It should happen as early as 2022. After deliberations, the jury has selected 200 projects, each of which will now receive a share of the amount raised. Normally, De Warmste Week was planned as a moment where everyone could come, but due to corona measures, a group event is no longer allowed. As a result, only a limited audience was allowed in Mechelen, where the radio studio was.

A collection of beautiful moments from the last warm week.

A collection of beautiful moments from the last warm week. © GARDEN

“De Warmste Week picked a new course this year,” says Frederic Delaplace, CEO of VRT. “With a single topic and funded at the King Baudouin Foundation giving impetus to relevant projects on this topic. Today we can be proud of this approach. De Warmste Week sparked debate and brought very few votes to the microphone. That is exactly the mission of the public broadcaster. Moreover, thanks Supported by the fund, 200 projects from De Warmste Week could make a difference in 2022 and provide pavilions for thousands of Flemish people.”

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Warmste Week Radio consists of 130 hours of radio on MNM and Studio Brussel. A total of 2,126 songs have been requested and 21 live shows can be watched in Mechelen. The first record was played on December 18 This is me from the movie Greatest Showman. The last one on December 24 was Waterfall from K3.


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