41-year-old Alice also commented on the incident outside the channel. “The amount of racist and sexist direct messages and comments on my personal channels, I’m really sick of it,” she says in AD. When asked if it contributed to the decision to leave, she replied, “I think so (…) but to be honest, I think if it hadn’t happened I would have come to that decision as well, but then maybe a little while later.”
listening numbers
Everything has been in charge of NPO 3FM since 2018. The station has been struggling with disappointing listeners for some time. Everything writes in her email that she is proud of, among other things, “the cautious growth in the share of listening time within the target group and the significant growth we have achieved online and in podcasts.”
According to the latest National Listening Survey (August-September 2021), NPO 3FM has a market share of 2.2 percent among listeners aged 10 and over, as in September of last year.
The market share of the significant group of 20-49 year-olds is 3.6 percent; A year ago it was still 3.2 per cent. QMusic leads the way with 20.7 percent, followed by Radio 538 (14.5 percent) and NPO Radio 2 (11.2 percent). Eight years ago, NPO 3FM was still the frontrunner with 17.4%.
Everything is temporarily monitored by Menno de Boer. He worked at Radio 538 until last year, in the meantime the station is looking for a new station director.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”