Bolsonaro takes sides ahead of Brazil’s presidential election

Bolsonaro takes sides ahead of Brazil’s presidential election

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro joins the Liberal Party (center-right). Both PL leader Valdemar Costa Neto and Bolsonaro himself confirmed the president’s intention to join the party.

“It could happen this week,” Bolsonaro was quoted by Reuters news agency as telling his supporters.

Bolsonaro has not been affiliated with any party since 2019, after he left the PSL, the liberal socialist party with whom he won the 2018 election, following the controversy.


The alliance with PL Bolsonaro should help get him re-elected president next year. Bolsonaro is expected to meet progressive former president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, better known as “Lula”. Earlier this year, Brazil’s Supreme Court overturned the conviction of the still popular Lula, and released him to run in the election.

Neither of them has officially run for elections yet.

popularity decreased

Bolsonaro’s popularity has fallen sharply due to his handling of the Corona crisis and high inflation in Brazil. In the polls, it seems that Lula will win a duel, although the differences between them narrow.

The center-right Progressive PP is also said to have tried to beat Bolsonaro. The party’s leader, Ciro Nogueira, is Bolsonaro’s chief of staff. Unidentified sources told Reuters that Bolsonaro’s vice presidential candidate may come from the People’s Party.

Presidential elections will be held in October 2022.

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