105-year-old Laverne Pizer is a must-watcher of the solar eclipse. Since 1963 he has been crazy about the natural phenomenon also known as eclipse. On that day CNN There is a report about him. Laverne has traveled extensively to see solar eclipses. But now he has a golden opportunity: all he has to do is leave his home on April 8. Because Laverne Biser lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Incidentally the entire zone passes through it.
Cosmic coincidence
A coincidence is that there are always total solar eclipses. An eclipse occurs when the Moon slides right between the Earth and the Sun. Then the sun’s rays will be completely blocked. But that is only possible if the Sun and the Moon are the same size as seen from Earth. And that, by cosmic coincidence. The diameter of the Sun is 400 times that of the Moon. But the distance is also 400 times greater. This makes it appear as if the sun and the moon are at the same level in the sky.
A total solar eclipse lasts only a few minutes. It varies for a solar eclipse and the location of the Earth. On April 8, the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 22 seconds in Texas. Very short. Why are you going through so much trouble to see it for a while? Because it’s so impressive. Darkness surrounds you and the birds stop chirping. You see something you can’t see normally: the Sun’s corona.
Corona has nothing to do with disease. The name of the super-hot atmosphere surrounding the Sun that extends for billions of kilometers. During a total eclipse you can see the corona as a halo of light. You usually can’t see the corona because the Sun gives off dazzling light. That is why you should not look directly at the sun. Unless the sun is completely eclipsed, you should wear eclipse glasses. It can only be turned off for a few minutes during fullness. Otherwise the risk of eye damage is high!
3.7 million people travel
So 105-year-old Laverne Biser can stay home. But millions of other Americans are spending thousands of dollars to witness the natural phenomenon on Monday. A million people go to Texas alone. Hotels and Airbnbs have been full for weeks, and prices have risen sixfold.
Texas is also home to Sophie van der Meer, who reports on the solar eclipse for RTL News. Exactly where is still unclear, as clouds threaten to throw a spanner in the works.
“The cameraman and I own a hotel in Waco,” says Sophie van der Meer. “A big reason for going to Texas is because Waco has 228 sunny days a year, so statistically we have a better chance of clear skies. But unfortunately, according to current weather reports, Waco is 45 percent cloudy. So, on Monday, we have to decide where the conditions are best.”
Report RTL news on TV and online
So it will be disappointing for those who have planned it for years and spent a lot of money. But that too may be a Monday story. Anyway, reporter Sophie van der Meer will be making videos on TV and online that day.
He goes live on RTL news at 7.30pm, the partial solar eclipse has just started and it will take almost an hour and a half to reach totality. “We’ll report on the madness by seven-thirty,” van der Meer looks ahead: “A festival starts in Vigo over the weekend and continues on Monday. All the cities in the line of the eclipse will be back. Upside down.” .” On the late news and online, van der Meer reports on a total solar eclipse that just ended.
In the Netherlands, the wait has been over 100 years
The last total solar eclipse in Western Europe, including northern France, was on August 11, 1999. Thousands of Dutch people traveled to the Verdun area which was unfortunately cloudy. The next total eclipse in the Netherlands is in October 2135. Of course, no one can wait that long.
There are reasonable alternatives: On August 12, 2026, there will be a total solar eclipse just before sunset in northern Spain. A year later, conditions will be more favorable. On August 2, 2027, a total eclipse will be visible in southern Spain, northern Spain and near Luxor, Egypt. That spot lasts a total of 6 minutes and 23 seconds, which is long.
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