Discord chat platform will focus on games again and will be redesigned – IT Pro – News

I created a Discord account in 2020 out of curiosity because I watched several videos on YouTube that ended with:Find us on Discord!Anyway, that’s what I did, but I soon discovered that:

1. Almost everyone here is teenagers: from 13 to 17 years old. I’m actually one of the oldest users on Discord, 26 years old (22 when I joined Discord).
2. It seems really funny to send each other quietly recorded videos with sudden, very loud screaming – or videos of cute animals interrupted by a man shooting himself with a gun, or videos interspersed with bestiality (sex with animals). I’ve already seen many of these videos and received them in my Discord inbox. ;(
3. If you compliment someone, you are being “simple” or “unusual.”
4. Lots of “furries”: People who like human animals depicted in a sexual context. A lot of people like “femboys” (boys dressed as girls) and “traps” (what appears to be girls, but are actually boys).
5. Extreme intolerance towards some opinions. Each Discord server is, as it were, a “terrified circle.” Say something pro-Russian on a pro-Ukrainian server: banned. Say something pro-Andrew Tate in LGBTP server: Banned. Say something anti-Trump on a pro-Trump server: Banned. Say something socialist on an anti-socialist server: banned. You have to echo the general consensus everywhere. Zero room for discussion. Very narrow minded. American servers are especially bad at this. European servers still sometimes allow different views.

Anyway, you can create your own chat areas, so I created my own chat area in Discord where I blocked all the furry, weepy, trans people and people who posted shocking videos, but not by blocking them (I hate bans), but simply By giving them a role that prevents them from seeing any channel except the rehabilitation camp! 8-)

That was so much fun. I even made my own Discord bot in Python, with interaction commands (hug, kiss, bump, blow, etc.), future prediction (gives random answers), song commands, and a collection system (calculate amounts and get points; the more… points, the more privileges you have), an event logger (shows in the admin office channel exactly who comes and who leaves, what messages were deleted, when they were deleted, etc.), as well as a bad word remover (removes those meaningless words like ” bruh” which has been overused on Discord) etc.

Some people who were given a restricted role avoided it once they left the chat room and came back. I solved this problem simply because the bot kept a blacklist of all the people who were put in the reeducation camp. When someone left the re-education camp chat room and entered again, the bot saw that this person was blacklisted and immediately sent him back to the re-education camp. :s

I haven’t done anything to this bot since 2021. It kept running and working until recently. Discord has now switched to a new API, which means the bot is no longer working (it keeps going offline), but I’m no longer active enough on Discord to devote the time and effort to making this bot work again.

But, I have fond memories of programming this bot and maintaining my own chat area (about 100 people), who also interacted with the bot! :*)

What I find very questionable about Discord is its privacy. For some users, I can tell exactly what game they’re playing and what song they’re listening to on Spotify. I will never share this kind of information with others.

And there’s a really strong gaming vibe on Discord. It seems like everyone on Discord is addicted to video games. It seems like everyone out there plays on the computer for hours every day.

This is quite remarkable when I think about it. In fact, I’ve never talked to anyone on Discord who doesn’t like PC games. Everything revolves around computer games.

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