TV show Guinea pigs Back to TV. Starting Saturday, January 13, the popular science program BNNVARA can be watched weekly on Zapp. The show is in the hands of Gori Celuk and Sahil Ammar Issa.
In the programme, the presenters “make their bodies and minds available to science”. Together with experts and children from Group 8, Giluk and Issa try to find answers to scientific questions.
“Guinea pigs It really sounds like the famous BNNVARA show to me. So I feel honored to be able to do this with Sahil,” says Giluk. “Now we are Guinea pigs For Zapp, we will win the hearts of Group 8, Myths From elementary school. We had a lot of fun during the recordings. “We hope this will be reversed.”
“When he asked me to Guinea pigs I thought: Huh, finally. “Now I can combine my love of science with my love of putting my life at risk,” Issa says.
Valerio Zeno and Dennis Storm hosted the first seasons between 2011 and 2015 Guinea pigs. The duo made the news several times, including when they ate a piece of each other’s flesh.
Jan Versteeg and Geraldine Kemper took over in 2016 and 2017. Geluk also appeared on the show in 2020, then with Kaj van der Ree. This series ended after only one episode, because Van der Ree was accused of sexual misconduct.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”