WhatsApp has released a beta version for iOS compatible with iPad. This requires testers to access the WhatsApp beta through Apple’s TestFlight program, but there are no other slots available at the time of writing.
According to the WABetaInfo website You need to follow a number of steps to get the beta version of the chat app on Apple tablets. First, you need to install the relevant iOS beta version of WhatsApp on iPhone and iPad via TestFlight. You should then link the new device in your iPhone’s chat app settings under the Linked Devices tab. For example, the iPad can be connected via the iPad released in May Companion mode. It was already possible to link a device to an iPad, but until now this was done via the web version of the chat service, not local.
Reportedly, after connecting, users can use WhatsApp on iPad independently of iPhone. Messages are synced across all paired devices and your iPhone no longer needs to be connected to the Internet. This makes this the first version of WhatsApp that can be used natively on the iPad. Until now, WhatsApp Web could only be used via a browser on Apple tablets. It is not clear when the app will be released to all users via the App Store.
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