Google has set a limit of five million files in Drive – Computer – News

So it’s not just consumers who suffer from it, but also businesses and in the link someone actually points out that animal doctors’ practices in the UK are now being heavily affected by this.

Google Drive has different storage plans 1TB, 2TB, 5TB, Unlimited.

5 million files on 1 TB with an average of 0.2MB per file. This is a 1080p image. Invoice in pdf format half to 1/5 of it. Often a Google Docs or spreadsheet is only a few kilobytes (they didn’t count in terms of storage, but nowadays they do).

Google always has these cool incognito changes!

As of June 1, 2021, newly created Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, or Jamboard files count towards storage. Files that already exist don’t count towards storage unless they are modified on or after June 1, 2021.

But don’t forget that OneDrive/Sharepoint has different limits too. For example, SharePoint has a hard limit of 30 million files and folders per library (you can have multiple libraries), but long before that time, you’ll run into performance issues. I didn’t find anything specific to OneDrive, but in terms of syncing these limits are much lower before you have problems.

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