Smarthome standard from Apple, Google and Amazon delayed until 2022 – IT Pro – News

Matter, the smart home standard Apple, Google and Amazon are working on, has been pushed back until 2022. Final specifications were expected this fall, but that release schedule has been pushed back a few months to the first half of next year.

Members of the Communication Standards Alliance, the group responsible for Matter, will get a preview of the standard before its final release in 2022, ahead of a specification vote at the end of this year. That press reports I Stacy Higginbotham. Tobin Richardson, CEO of CSA, was unable to narrow the time frame for releasing the specifications beyond the “first half of next year”.

With that said, developers will have to wait until the first half of 2022 for the Matter SDK, the start of an official certification program and the first certified devices to use the standard. According to Higginbotham, that means the first Matter consumer devices won’t hit the market until the second half of next year.

The CSA CEO will provide several reasons for the delay, including the resurgence of the Corona pandemic, the recent addition of 29 other companies to the Matter project and the “challenge of providing a high-quality SDK as part of the specifications.” Initially, the specifications were planned for the first half of this year, but the group behind Matter announced mi He suggested postponing that to fall 2021 and now to the first half of next year.

material evolution Started at the end of 2019, when Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Google, SmartThings and the Zigbee Alliance teamed up to develop a global standard for smart home devices. Several companies and individuals are now involved in the project, including Huawei, IKEA, NXP and Signify. The standard was initially called Project CHIP, short for Project Connected Home over IP, before being renamed Matter.

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According to the makers, the material standard for smart home devices will have many advantages. With this global standard, for example, consumers won’t have to wonder if smart devices can work together. According to the CSA, it should also ensure that developers do not have to develop their own protocols, which saves time developing smart home products.

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