KPN Mobile Network named “Best in the World”

KPN Mobile Network named “Best in the World”

in research According to Connect Magazine’s benchmarking organization Umlaut, KPN scores 980 out of a thousand possible points. This was the highest score ever in the annual study of telecom networks around the world. Competitors T-Mobile and Vodafone were also rated “excellent” by Umlaut, scoring 969 and 963 points, respectively. “There is no other country in the world where the mobile network is as good as the Netherlands,” KPN said in an email. press release.

The findings are based on millions of data from Dutch phones and tablets collected between August 2022 and early February. Measurements were also taken in many different places. To this end, the test cars in the Netherlands covered 7,262 kilometers, passing through 18 cities and 14 villages. Two teams also marched in eight cities. In total, an area where 34 percent of the Dutch population lives has been reached.

5G is only faster at the end of this year

Umlaut CEO Hakan Ekmen calls the performance “extra special”, because Dutch service providers are currently unable to use the 3.5GHz frequency band that makes faster 5G connections possible. The 3.5GHz frequencies should be sold at auction at the end of this year. “With that fact, it’s even more impressive that they score so high,” says Ekman.

Optical fiber

KPN also scored the best of the Dutch service providers with its fixed network: 944 points. KPN has rolled out fiber in many places in recent years, but the company says network quality is “determined by more factors than just fiber.” “In-house solutions and good WiFi are also important, which is why it’s good to look at the quality of the broader internet for comparison.” The research measures not only average download and upload speeds, but also response time and stability.

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Ziggo and T-Mobile are also rated “very good” in fixed Internet searches, with 936 and 927 points, respectively. Ziggo scored best for average download speeds. According to Umlaut, T-Mobile managed the biggest improvement in fixed internet over last year: 17 points more. “High scores for the ‘stability’ component are good news for Dutch customers,” says Hannes Ruegheimer of Connect.


Umlaut also compared the static grids for each province. KPN scores best in six provinces, while Ziggo leads in North Holland, Friesland and Groningen. Delta is a leading company in Zeeland, South Holland and Overijssel.

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