Renிக Bach, the French hairdresser who restored the historical memory of Honduras

Renிக Bach, the French hairdresser who restored the historical memory of Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Renே Bach, a French hairdresser who came to Honduras in 1973 after immigrating to Canada, has lived in Honduras for 47 years, where he left the Cinemadeca de la at the age of 80. National Autonomous University (Una), Acts to restore the historical memory of the Central American country.

“I was an immigrant in Quebec, Canada in the ’70s. To Give Honduras a “volunteer”.

In Quebec, Renே had a hairdresser for women with his first wife, who lived from 1965 to 1973, but in recent years this relationship did not go well, eventually leading to divorce.

A customer picks him up in an attempt to come to Honduras

Born in Nancy, northeastern France, on October 1, 1940, Rene recalled meeting a client who had a son who worked with Bishop Caritas of the Catholic Church in Honduras as a hairdresser in Quebec. The beginning of his relationship with the Central American country, which gave him a new home: his wife Olga Mendoza; Two children and four grandchildren.

Two years after he arrived in Honduras, he completed a project he had directed “Organizing Caritas Social Work”.

Renே came to Quebec as an adventurer who wanted to do “new things” despite the fact that the hairdressing business was “very modern”. It was going well.

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According to him the work of a hairdresser was not enough and he was thinking of his idea of ​​entering the cinema so that he would not become an amateur and not just take his “crazy things”. Its small and old room, it still protects.

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He came to Canada during the formation of a major “cultural explosion” in Quebec, which also included a number of film activities, which largely sparked his interest in cinema. His other dream as a child was to sing opera, What he did, did, but “only in singers”.

After his project with Caritas, he worked for many years at the Secretariat of Culture, Tourism and Information (Sectin), established on July 1, 1975, one of the last stages of the military rule in Honduras. There, they designed with other young Honduran filmmakers The film department of the new Secretary of State.

Violence in Central America

Between one job and another job for Rene, Central America, which had revolted in the 1980s, came into the midst of the Cold War with internal armed conflicts in Guatemala, which had already been at war for many years; The origin of the gorilla Farabundo Marte Front for National Liberation (Fmln) In El Salvador, and Santinista National Liberation Front (Fsln), in Nicaragua, which overthrew the dictatorship of Anastasio Somosa in 1979.

Part of the war in Central America, with a camera in hand, Renee covered it as he walked, “walking at night and hiding during the day”, along with the Canadian team “Peace yes, no war”, on a trip from Panama To Mexico.

In the 80s Renee changed his job to a video production company and other jobs Documentaries.

“Throughout my life I have been passionate, I have made many corporate documentaries for the government and on my own, and from here I have worked with filmmakers. In the 80s I was at the forefront of the war. Renee revealed.

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Cinemateca of UNAH

Shooting of many Products in Honduras And with teams of producers from Central America, Europe, Canada and the United States, enriched Renee’s dream of producing, shooting, directing, and all that a product represents, which the filmmaker summarizes as his “real school.”

For the last two decades of the last century and the first three decades of the present, Ren ர has worked with international organizations.

In 2014, Journalist Manuel Torres, He was one of the members of Una’s Board of Directors who recommended the creation of the cinema of the maximum laboratory, which also wanted a project. Rector, Julietta Castellanos.

Separately with Castellanos, Torres encouraged the promotion of alternative films to Honduran, and proposed Renee to direct the film, which was unanimously agreed upon by the French hairdresser The post he held for seven years.

One place that certainly needs to be expanded is the name of the famous Honduran film critic who died in July 2006, “Enrique Bonscare” Cinematகாca de la Una.

Una Cinematheque is enriched by dozens of film and video productions in various formats; Raw materials, cameras, projectors and other equipment, including donations and purchases, are owned by Honduran filmmakers Sami Kapati, Fosi Pentec and brothers Including Marcos and George Asfura.

The country’s visual history memoir has been regularly published at the Cinematடca de la Una with film and video material since the early 40’s.

Renே, thanks to an Italian friend, fulfilled his dream not only of singing, but also of opera singing, while Camilo, one of his two Honduran sons, followed in his father’s footsteps. He is studying cinema in France.

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