Peruvian president tries to ease tensions after retired military calls to boycott elections | International | News

Peruvian president tries to ease tensions after retired military calls to boycott elections |  International |  News

The president rejected what happened, said to be quiet and wait until the election process is over in accordance with what the law establishes.


This Friday, Peruvian interim leader Francisco Sagasti rejected calls from retired soldiers for the Armed Forces to prevent left-wing Point Castillo from finally being declared the winner of the June 6 election.

“It is unacceptable (…) that a group of retirees from the Armed Forces is inciting the high command of the Army, Navy and Air Force to violate the rule of law (…),” Sakasthi said in a television news release.

Hundreds of retired officials have signed up to echo the “fraud” allegations of right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, asking the leaders of the armed forces to stop the new president from being declared “illegal and illegal”. Elections (JNE).

“In a democracy, the armed forces are not intentional, they are completely neutral and very respectful of the constitution,” said Sakasthi, who is due to hand over power to the new president on July 28.

The letter from the authorities was delivered at the Armed Forces Joint Headquarters in Lima on Thursday, while the country was waiting in suspense to resolve the voting challenges for JNE, mostly Pujimori, announcing the winner.

“I have asked the Minister of Defense [Nuria Esparch] Coordinating the sending of these letters to the Ministry of Public Works […] Establish the respective responsibilities by conducting the necessary investigations to determine the conduct that is detrimental to the constitutional order, ”said Chagasti.

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The survey of 100% of the polling stations ended on Tuesday and 50.12% was given to Castillo, who has 44,000 more votes than Fujimori.

A letter from the authorities following another similar letter issued by 64 retired generals and admirals on Monday confirms that “high-ranking government officials” have “participated in support of Castillo”, which Chagasti has denied.

Fujimori has urged Castillo to condemn vote-rigging since he passed the ballot, but without providing hard evidence. Instead, election observers from the Organization of American States (OAS) said the vote was clean without “serious irregularities.”

Three days after the election, the Armed Forces called on the Peruvians to “respect” the election results.

Chagasti called for democracy not to be “endangered”, saying “it has taken us a lot of time and effort to build.” […] Throughout our turbulent 200 years of Republican life ”. (I)

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