Robert is subject to the government: “I get 50 euros a week for food and drink” | salary

Robert is subject to the government: “I get 50 euros a week for food and drink” |  salary

salaryhow much do you earn? We ask a Dutchman this every week. Today: Robert (40) works 6 hours a week as a volunteer in hospice and social care. Apply for a job in aged care.

What do you earn?
“I have been on health insurance for two years and on social care for one year now. I am recovering from addiction and depression. Net I get 1554 euros. Includes fees. Social assistance is 1037 euros, I receive 244 euros housing allowance and 111 euros health care allowance. I receive 162 Euros as special assistance because I am under the authority of the government.”

What kind of work did you do before this?
“I was self-employed in construction. After that I worked in a temporary employment agency as a carpenter and from there I got into the Sick Benefit Act. Then I got 70 percent of my last salary and that was 1,375 euros.”

You are in control, what does that mean?
I’m under management to pay off my debts. I get 50 euros a week to eat and drink. Fitting and scaling. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t. I have to pay close attention to the offers and be frugal. Especially with the current prices, it’s not always easy. Eating 200 grams of vegetables and two pieces of fruit every day is not possible.”

How much is your debt?
11500 euros. If I keep going like now, that means I’ll be ready in three years. But if I get a job, I can pay off faster.”

Do you have a job opportunity?
“I am really looking forward to getting back to work. I am taking medication for my depression and taking steps with a self-help program. I have worked hard on myself. That is why I applied for a job in hospice care for 20 hours a week.”

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Why do you want to participate in this section?
I read the column and then saw a lot of fairly large sums go by. I want to show the other side and maybe break some kind of taboo. Not everyone who lives in luxury is unwilling to work. I took the time to work on myself. I really want to start again. I became addicted when I was nineteen or twenty years old. At first you think you have it on hand. Later you know you have a problem, but you think you’re working. I always refused to help. I wanted to get rid of my coffee beans. I waited until it didn’t really work anymore. The financial pressures are very bad. It means a lot to you.”


I took the time to work on myself. I really want to go back to work

And now from carpenter to caring.
,,Right. I loved volunteering so much, I absolutely have to do it. The ambition is to do something in addiction care. I’ve been on the road for six months now and I’m also helping others with the program. You see people thriving and building lives. This gives me energy.”

Do you know what you will gain?
“On a full-time basis, this totals €2,350. I applied for a 20-hour contract, so I estimate a net €1,800, then half of that. Plus the 13th month and 8% vacation pay. You will also receive training in healthcare. This was also one of the motivations for applying for this job. I have the desire to work more hours, at least 32 hours.”

What will Robert gain in the future?

Age: 40
Number of years of work experience: 1
Number of working hours per week: 20
Education: mbo
Job: IG رعاية care
Industry: health care
Country of residence: NL

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The data for this feature is still incomplete in a file Salary Guide. According to the latest version of the Collective Labor Agreement for Nursing, Nursing Homes, Home Care and Youth Health Care, an IG nurse who has completed training for a working week of 36 hours earns at least €2,200.70 total (converted €1222 for 20 hours) and a maximum total of 2,937.68 EUR (1632.04 EUR for 20 hours).

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