Marion Bow has her book Bird Island It won the Gouden Strop, the Dutch language thriller book of the year. She received the award during the Thriller Book Evening in Utrecht, where the Dutch thriller Ten Days was released.
The jury awarded the award to Pauw because the book was “written by an author who knows how to drag the reader along in a history that begins innocently but becomes increasingly sinister. A book that the jury members read at once, has a beautiful arc of tension.” And the originality of the story makes it hard to predict.
The Godden Strobe novel, which won the award for best thriller novel of the year since 1986, is worth 10,000 euros. Pauw received the award earlier, in 2009, for her book daylight†
First prize for Han’s dress
Marion Bao wasn’t the only one to win prizes at the Neude Library in Utrecht. Anya Niueira received the Heiban Thriller Award Kamino† She also won the first edition of the 2020 Hebban Thriller Prize.
former news hour– Award-winning reporter Bas Han for his non-fiction books Draft Ruti About the so-called receiving case and Deventer murder casehe also got a chance to win Goden Strobe, but he got his first appearance in the action Lenoir Shadow Award. This is the motivational award for Best Debut Thriller. The jury talks about “a well-balanced book for adults where you have no idea of having a first appearance on your hands.”
The fourth award given on Thriller Book Night was Zilveren Strop. This year I went to Marjolein van der Gaag, for her under water†
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”