Scoop: Green light for the first hydrogen plant in the United States

Scoop: Green light for the first hydrogen plant in the United States

The plant is located in the US state of Utah, an initiative of Mitsubishi Power and Magnum. However, start-ups still have to meet certain conditions before the loan can actually be granted.

Energy saving

The uniqueness of this project is that the hydrogen produced is temporarily stored in two natural salt caves. When needed, hydrogen will be supplied by the Intermountain Power Agency to the natural gas plant, which will run on 30 percent hydrogen from 2025. By 2045, the natural gas plant will have to completely switch to hydrogen.

Hydrogen in China

With the factory, the United States is following in the footsteps of many countries that are starting to work with green hydrogen production. For example, the largest hydrogen plant with a capacity of 150 MW is currently located in China. However, the country is already operating at breakneck speed: a 260 MW plant in northwest China.

480,000 tons of green hydrogen

In addition, Egypt has recently teamed up with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to build several hydrogen plants, a joint venture. 480,000 tons of green hydrogen per yearChile also has big ambitions. If everything goes according to plan, the South American country will be the same $ 30 billion a year You can make money by exporting hydrogen.

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