Jury Chairman Ahmed Aboutaleb has announced six nominees for the 2022 Liberace Prize for Literature. They are Nico Dros, Mariken Hetmann, Oak Holst, Denise Kuipers, René van Marisinghe and Lisa Weda, all of whom are Dutch. This is the first time since 2018 that not a single Fleming has been shortlisted.
The Liberace Prize for Literature is awarded “for the best originally Dutch novel” last year. There were 18 writers on the longlist, and so they had a chance to be on the shortlist. news hour Through the doors of the nominated writers, as is customary, to deliver the news to them.
The winner will receive €50,000 and will be announced live on May 9th news hour.
To view the announcement of the head of the jury, Ahmed Abu Talib, here:
Jury Chairman Abu Talib announces the shortlist for the Liberace Prize for Literature
The jury report states that the jury found “common ground” in “narratives that were uncompromising in their aesthetics; in novels in which fiction is a way of thinking about society; in novels that challenged us to leave our own bubble and show how the world affects concrete human life, in past, present and future.”
The jury notes that this year’s literature looks more than ever from the perspective of people trying to build a life for themselves at the bottom of the “social and economic pyramid.” Much of the literature written this year also explores the line between fiction and true story. “But it turns out once again that the diary with a cover around it does not constitute a novel,” the jury wrote.
Newsur visited the six candidates to tell them the good news. Check out their reactions here:
Ring the bell with the nominees for the 2022 Liberace Prize for Literature
Read below a selection of the jury reports for the six nominated books:
William Who Made Maddock (Nico Druss)
Lessons manages to revive this world of sweet monks, knights and preachers, permeated with terrifying religious extremism, with utter conviction. And he does so in a rare beautiful Dutch language, where remarkably happy to motivate the reader. Words and phrases outdated. Any contemporary writer still dares To use words like swish and bang and call his characters sly and cocky?
“Wormmaan’s structure and subject matter testify to great wit, literary mastery and courage not to choose traditional narrative. As a reader, you are not pleased but challenged to let your mind break: the novel is philosophical, without the need for heavy. Moreover, the Hetman uses language with the same flexibility and precision as a samurai sword” .
Mitsukoshi Children’s Comfort Company (Oak Holst)
Holst risks it all by being at times unbearably self-righteous, only to be moved by ripping insecurities and jealousy to the bone.
Anyone who closes The Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company after six hundred pages is exhausted, but has made an unforgettable literary journey.”
Atlas of Everywhere (Deniz Kupres)
†Atlas everywhere Vatersuche may be real, the woman of color in Denise’s life is the bearer of the novel. In addition, Kuypers paints a not very bright picture of how the Netherlands treated guest workers and how their uprooting also affected the next generation.
All of this is written with great emotion and in superior style Atlas everywhere into a personal, sensitive and unforgettable novel.”
Our Children (Rene van Marising)
“Van Mariising is averse to the pursuit of influence, does not dwell unnecessarily and masters the art of authoritative dialogue like few others. She also displays a great capacity for everyday observation: this writer can breathe life into characters the way they shake their hands. Bring it or order a beer” .
Alexandra (Lisa Weda)
“The way Weeda allows different epochs to slip over one another is a testament to her audacity and imagination. The same is true for her use of realistic magical items to describe a harsh reality. Alexandra Hunger, cold, bravery, and despair make it so evident in some of the most memorable scenes.”
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”