#350 “Show that you are not afraid”

#350 “Show that you are not afraid”

Finally Maud was freed from her hands again and her wedding dress was chosen. However, things do not go smoothly. Bart continues to send her messages via Instagram. Gio has read the letters and it makes him very angry. Maude wants to explain it, but Geo leaves the house without saying anything.

I would like to stop it, but I have a feeling that it won’t make the situation better. When Geo is angry, he needs peace and distance. Very annoying, because I would rather talk about it right away.

“We’ll talk later,” I call him. As soon as the door closes, I feel tears. So I can’t bear this. I focus on chores and then send Jesse a voice memo. I called back immediately. “Honey, you shouldn’t let Bart drive you crazy. He wants attention and he has you in his power. Just let Geo read everything. You haven’t done anything wrong,” my friend says.

She’s right too, but I still notice that it makes me feel bad. In the meantime, I’m going to put Liam to bed so I can get some work done. I can’t seem to focus at all. Then I also get a call from my brother. He usually only calls me when there are problems, so I’m bummed. Since becoming a mother, I’m more likely to go into “panic” mode. Fortunately, I can hear from his voice that nothing is wrong. He looks cheerful.

“Are you home by any chance? I’m in the area and I want to see Liam. And you too of course!” He says, laughing. Since Liam arrived, my relationship with my brother has improved a lot. He loves Liam and asks for pictures and videos almost every day.

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Do not be afraid

I explain that Liam is asleep and that I’m busy. I really don’t want my brother to see me like this, my eyes are still red from crying. “Oh come on, I’ll make some delicious sandwiches. See you soon!” Not long after, he appeared on my doorstep, and I must honestly say that his visit delighted me.

Until I receive another call from an unknown number. I don’t answer, but I’m immediately on edge. “So Maud, is everything alright? You seem a bit nervous.” My brother has known me longer than today, and I usually don’t discuss relationship issues with him, but somehow, it’s nice to vent.

“And now Gio thinks I’m texting that brat. I really don’t want anything from him. ‘He’s a creep,’ I say as I tell my story. I’ll leave out the details. But Bart’s clearly teasing me. My brother’s pissed, I can see it right away.” “You’re not to be trifled with, what a sad bastard’s thought!” Call him,” he says sternly. I don’t understand what he means. “He thinks he can scare you, but we’ll scare him. Oops, you have to prove that you’re not afraid. Just call him, with me there.


Suddenly I felt adrenaline rushing through my body. He’s absolutely right too. I look crazy! This argument with Gio and this stress all the time, it’s not worth it. “Facetime him, that works better.” I wipe my tears, put on a little lipstick, and sit quietly.

“Start a video call.” Bart answers almost immediately. He seems to be on his way, because he is walking down the street. I feel a pit in my stomach when I see him. “Maude, how nice of you to make a video call! How are you?” he says cheerfully. At that moment I feel peace coming over me. “Everything going well?”

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I don’t even let him finish and start my monologue. “I find it very annoying that you keep messaging me about something from years ago. I have no interest in you and no desire to contact you. So I ask you to stop,” I say firmly. Bart starts laughing stupidly and it makes me angry again. “We both know this is just kind of absurd,” he says. At that moment my brother appeared. “Listen, my friend, I heard what she said. If it’s not clear, I’ll come and explain it!” my brother says angrily.

I get stuck in fear. “Did that have to happen?” I said to my brother angrily. “Believe me, I know that kind of person. You won’t hear from him again, really, my dear sister.

At that moment I heard the front door open…

Maude (24 years old) loves parties and travelling. She works in the editorial office of a magazine. Maud is in a relationship with Gio and has just given birth to their son, Liam. You can read about her adventures every week in a new episode of Maud’s Night Book.

#349 “I’m disgusted by that guy.”

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