26 parties participate in the House of Representatives elections News article

26 parties participate in the House of Representatives elections  News article

News | 10-13-2023 | 18:43

26 parties will participate in the House of Representatives elections on November 22, 2023. 1,126 candidates will participate in the elections. 20 parties participate in all 20 electoral districts, and 6 parties do not participate in all electoral districts. 37 parties and 1,579 candidates participated in the 2021 House of Representatives elections.

Wim Kuyken, Chairman of the Electoral Board: “The nomination process went well. Over 12,000 A4 pages were delivered and scanned in a short time. Last year, the Electoral Council recommended making the procedure more efficient, for example by submitting the list of candidates and statements of support digitally. “This will require legislation in the short term.”

Lists of candidates are valid

The Electoral Council announced the validity of the following party lists of candidates and numbered them as follows:

  1. VVD
  2. D66
  3. Groenlinx/Ap (PvdA)
  4. PVV (Freedom Party)
  5. CDA
  6. SP (Socialist Party)
  7. Forum for Democracy
  8. Animal party
  9. ChristianUnion
  10. Volt
  11. JA21
  12. Political Reform Party (SGP)
  13. He thinks
  14. 50 plus
  15. BBB
  16. In 1
  17. Pirate Party – Greens
  18. BVNL/Van Haga Collection
  19. The new social contract
  20. fragment
  21. LP (Liberal Party)
  22. LEF – for the new generation
  23. Together for the Netherlands
  24. Holland with a plan
  25. PartyvdSport
  26. The political party for basic income

List numbering

The Electoral Council numbered the correct lists of candidates. Parties with at least one seat in the House of Representatives are assigned a number based on the number of votes they received in the previous election. The party with the most votes gets the number 1, and so on. New parties are then given a number depending on the number of constituencies in which they participate. If there are an equal number of electoral districts, a lottery will be held.

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On October 9, 29 parties submitted their lists of candidates to the Electoral Council. Defaults were found in 15 parties. Not all parties corrected this omission. This means that the “Jesus Lives” and “Development Party” party lists and the empty list that includes J. Sternborg as front-runner was declared invalid in all constituencies because she did not make sufficient declarations of support.
The party list LEF – Voor de Nieuwe Generatie, LP (Liberal Party), and Samen voor Nederland was declared invalid for electoral district 20 (Bonaire), due to insufficient declarations of support being submitted.
The Dutch PLAN party list for constituencies 3 (Assen), 16 (Middelburg) and 20 (Bonaire) has been declared invalid, due to insufficient declarations of support being submitted.
The PartyVdSport party list for constituencies 1 (Groningen), 2 (Leuwarden), 3 (Asen), 5 (Lelystad), 7 (Arnhem), 12 (Gravenhage), 13 (Rotterdam) has been declared invalid. ), 16 (Middleburg) and 20 (Bonaire), because not enough declarations of support were made.
The list of the political party for basic income for constituencies 1 (Groningen), 3 (Asen), 4 (Zwolle), 6 (Nijmegen), 7 (Arnhem), 10 (Haarlem), 11 (Denden) has been declared invalid. Helder), 13 (Rotterdam), 14 (Dordrecht), 16 (Middelburg), 19 (Maastricht), 20 (Bonaire), for not making sufficient declarations of support.

In addition, the following candidates have been removed: From the Pirate Party candidate list – Greens candidate No. 23 (TH Ligthart) has been removed from the list for all constituencies. In the list of Forum for Democracy candidates, candidate No. 40 (J.G. Schilder) was removed from the list for all constituencies. In the Samen voor Nederland party’s list of candidates, candidate No. 10 (AM Kloosterman) will be removed from the list for all constituencies in which the party participates. In the LP (Liberal Party) candidate list, candidate No. 20 (AT Wellens) has been removed from the list for all constituencies in which the party participates. In the PartyvdSport candidate list, candidate No. 7 (D. Looze) is removed from the list for all constituencies in which the party participates. In the list of Netherlands PLAN candidates, candidate No. 18 (RV Beydals) has been removed from the list for all constituencies in which the party participates.

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State institutions

The Netherlands is divided into twenty electoral districts. The decisions of the Electoral Council mean that not all parties participate in all electoral districts. Show an overview of the electoral districts in which the various parties participate.


Stakeholders and voters can appeal the decisions of the Electoral Council (except for list numbering). This can be done up to four days after the hearing. The State Council will make a decision on the appeals no later than 6 days. After this period, and no later than October 23, the lists of candidates will be finalized. The final approved lists of candidates will be published as soon as possible.

Below is the official report of the public hearing.

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