Written final exams start today, now without corona relaxation | internal

Written final exams start today, now without corona relaxation |  internal

Examinations without corona rules for the first time

Due to the Corona pandemic, different rules have been applied to final exams in recent years. For example, students can perform an additional reset and post their exams. The reason for this was distance education during the pandemic. This year this relaxation period in the exam will end.

The minister admits that the situation remains challenging for some students. “But candidates must be well prepared for society, the labor market, and further education.”

Open final complaint line exams

As of today, the LAKS final exam complaint line is also open. Students can go there with their complaints about final exams. Wiersma will be present at LAKS on Thursday afternoon to hear about the issues over the phone.

Complaints and comments have already been received from students who fear they weren’t properly prepared, LAKS reports. According to some, test material was sometimes covered in some lessons or not covered at all.

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