Word for Windows and MacOS get a no-formatting paste key combo – Computer – News

Microsoft will soon introduce Plain Text Paste feature in Word. The functionality has been around for some time in the browser version of Word and Microsoft Teams, but the desktop version of Microsoft’s word processor doesn’t have it yet.

Microsoft announces the arrival of the “Paste-only text” feature in a blog post. The feature is currently available in beta versions of the app. The feature works for Microsoft 365 beta users who are running at least build 16.0.15831.20174 for Windows. For Microsoft 365 for Mac, this is beta 16.67.1113.0. When the feature is coming in the Microsoft 365 version, the company hasn’t mentioned it.

Pasting without formatting means that additional data in the copied text, such as font size, font, color, and hyperlinks, is not included when pasting. In many applications that support it, the shortcut for it is ctrl + shift + v. However, at this time, this shortcut does not work in the desktop version of Word. This will change with the release of the Paste Text Only feature.

in blog post Microsoft explains more details about the functionality, such as new shortcuts for a Painter form and support preserving some formats, such as Important points.

Microsoft provides a demo of it Paste without formatting At work. Click to get a gif.
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