White smoke at last: Rutte IV coalition agreement complete | Instagram

White smoke at last: Rutte IV coalition agreement complete |  Instagram

VideoAfter 271 days of protracted negotiations, the coalition agreement was completed. So a new government is imminent: VVD, CDA, D66 and ChristenUnie make a deal in principle.

Disagreements occurred over the longest-ever cabinet formation, but the outcome now goes to the planned government party factions, and they will look into the matter on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the parade will be provided that there are no deputies from the parties involved who will go to rebellion.

VVD Leader Mark Root didn’t want to say anything about the content yet, but said, “I think there’s a good deal of agreement, but in the end it’s all about practice and implementation.”

D66 leader Sigrid Kaj spoke of a “nice, balanced convention”. “We said from the group: ‘We’ll do it well or we won’t.’ I think we had some really good conversations. Everyone has points and accents. I think when he comes out… I think it’s a really well balanced chord. There is a lot for the future of the Netherlands.” Hoping to present this agreement to the group tomorrow.”

VVD Leader Mark Rutte has arrived for a progress meeting with Informateur Wouter Koolmees.

VVD Leader Mark Rutte has arrived for a progress meeting with Informateur Wouter Koolmees. © ANP

Wopke Hoekstra, CDA Leader: We’re so glad we got out. It is now up to the group. It took a long time, and sometimes it resembled relief tongs. I’m satisfied, but now it’s up to the group.”

ChristenUnie Gert leader Jan Segers is “especially relieved that it’s over”. The question now is whether it is good enough. We’ve been without a closet for so long, and it’s time to act.” He said that “all parties have some pain” in the bargain. “There are beautiful things in it for everyone, and less beautiful things for everyone. That’s how things go.”

Sigers said the coalition agreement was “thinner” than the previous agreement. At seventy pages, it was a bastion of elaborate agreements. The House of Representatives has more to say. It is likely that the discussions will go to the Council of Ministers and then to the House of Representatives.”

He went on to say that there had been “large and lively” discussions, including on medical ethical issues. “But it was also cool, to see where your heart beats from each other.”

Detective Water Colmes said in an explanation that he did not think for a moment that things could go wrong.

In the meantime, the features of the Rutte IV’s wardrobe were already starting to take shape, because a number of plans had already leaked. It is clear that the new coalition is taking a number of new directions for labor reform from previous policies here and there. For example, the coalition ends the loan system and eliminates the childcare allowance. There will also be some form of road pricing, where motorists pay for each kilometer you drive. Significantly more money will be allocated to defense, and the climate and nitrogen dossier will require billions of dollars in investments.

These Rutte IV plans have already been leaked:

He. She loan system DisappearsStarting from the 2024/2025 academic year, there will be a new form of the base scholarship

baby care It would be free for low-income people and much cheaper for high-income people. The complex childcare allowance will disappear

Payment per kilometer replaces the general road tax. this is Road pricing It is prepared and legally regulated, but only introduced in the period after Rutte IV

Primary school teachers will earn as much as their high school classmates, the so-called pay gap It’s a very poem

defense gets every year 3 billion euros Bee

The emergence of the new government on the ranks of the king in the near future has not yet been done. First, there will be a debate in the House of Representatives. In it, the VVD leader Mark Rutte will be officially appointed as an official, after which he will officially appoint ministers and state ministers. That’s what’s really going on in the background, of course: Parties are already polling candidates.

In that drum, the verdict appears to have been passed on to Hugo de Jonge (CDA): It Not the Minister of HealthIngrid van Engelshofen (D66) Doesn’t turn around at all More in the new locker.

It is also clear that Rutte himself will remain prime minister, but it is not yet known what D66 leader Sigrid Kaag or Christian Democrat Wopke Hoekstra will do. It is clear that Gert-Jan Segers will lead the Christian Union from the parliamentary group.

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