WhatsApp tests search for nearby businesses via the app – IT Pro – News

It’s a shame that this kind of bloatware has become somewhat of a commitment. I don’t think all unused functions have downsides that we can’t do anything about. Since Android 4.2 (which I copied too) I don’t really feel the phones are getting a bit faster in terms of load times etc. And the battery also increasingly suffers from all the bloat of phones which, although you never touch certain aspects, continues to drain the battery again and again. Even after the latest android versions disable these apps after not using x tid.
I have a daily 5-8% battery drain for things I don’t find interesting at all and never touch, let alone things I use but have useless functions with standby consumption.
Likewise, all this bloating makes my apps that I find useful get thrown out of memory and apps I don’t find interesting or functionality I don’t find interesting or never use comes back in memory over and over again.

I’m really wondering how many users are waiting for this and how many users are only seeing/experiencing flaws in it. It’s pretty ridiculous for words that phones with 12GB of RAM are required to function properly, while Android itself can theoretically run at 512MB and most apps shouldn’t need more than a few to a hundredMB.

Instead, let them put the effort into, for example, tear down the camera function from the whatsapp itself because it is really lousy and then use the built-in camera app as a camera function in the whatsapp so that you can finally send sharp and clear photos.
Or simply better message handling so that I don’t have a random 1-5 minute delay like I’ve had since android 8-9. (Many don’t know they have this until you experience it in tandem.)

See also  Voys: Android version updates Voys app blocked by Google - Update - Tablets & Phones - News

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