What is the most likely coalition? Will there be new elections if the formation fails? Many questions about the elections were asked on our discussion platform ‘Ngig’. Political reporter Priscilla Slump answers the most frequently asked questions.
Wat is een mogelijke coalitie?
Als je puur naar de zetelverdeling kijkt, ligt een coalitie van PVV, VVD en NSC voor de hand. Eventueel kan BBB zich hierbij voegen. Geert Wilders (PVV) heeft als grootste partij het initiatief en wil natuurlijk over rechts.
De vraag is alleen of deze combinatie er gaat komen, nu de VVD al heeft gezegd dat ze niet in een kabinet willen vanwege het verlies bij de verkiezingen. Zonder de VVD is een meerderheidskabinet over rechts niet mogelijk.
De VVD wil wel een centrumrechts kabinet van PVV en NSC gedogen, zei leider Yesilgöz. Dat houdt in dat de partij geen bewindspersonen levert, maar bepaalde punten uit het regeerakkoord wél zal steunen in de Kamer.
Thus a minority government of the FDP, the NSC, and perhaps the BBB with acceptable support from the VVD is also an option. But Peter Omtsigt has not yet provided clarification on what the National Security Council faction wants.
The GL-PvdA, VVD, NSC and D66 coalition also has a majority, but will only come into the picture if the PVV fails to take shape. The first talks are scheduled to take place next week.
Is it reasonable that there will be no government and that there will be a need to hold new elections?
Of course that could always happen, but it’s not obvious. Negotiations between the potential coalition may fail. This happened, for example, in 2017. GroenLinks was at the table with VVD, D66 and CDA, but the parties could not agree on the migration.
At such a moment the process begins again. It will then be investigated whether the alliance is still possible. In 2017, the Christian Union replaced GroenLinks.
New elections can only be called when all attempts fail and there is no new option.
What does Wilders’ victory mean for the general media?
We cannot say that yet, because of course we do not yet know which parties will rule. Wilders spoke negatively about the public broadcaster. He said last week that if it were up to him, the entire organization would disappear Today inside.
According to nonprofit president Frederic Levlang, nonprofits play an “irreplaceable role” in society. “A strong public broadcaster, independent of politics and commerce, is essential in a constitutional democracy.”
“More than 83 percent of the Dutch watch and listen to programs on our digital channels and platforms every week. We will do everything we can to protect our role as public media,” adds Levlang.
To what extent can Wilders do something about the migration flow through the coalition?
First, this of course depends on the composition of the coalition. Both parties must agree on the measures.
But in other words, many parties agree on the need to impose “control” on immigration. The previous government was also working on this. This concerns three types of migration. Study and labor migration from outside the EU is the easiest to reduce.
Asylum migration and labor migration from within the EU are more complex, but not impossible. If you introduce a dual asylum status system, you can, for example, limit family reunification for war refugees. The new Cabinet could also choose to enter into a debate in Brussels on applicable treaties and guidelines.
What are the consequences for the climate?
We cannot yet say this with certainty. The Party for Freedom is a climate skeptical party. But if Wilders negotiates, he will mainly want to win points on immigration (asylum), health care, and preventing people from being unable to make ends meet. bee News hour He indicated before the election that this was where his priorities lay.
So all climate policies will not simply be thrown in the trash. Target partners VVD and NSC want to commit to 2030 and 2050 climate targets. Moreover, Wilders said after the election results that he wanted to reach agreements “within the framework of the law and the constitution.”
However, the question with such a centre-right coalition is whether the ambitions set by the previous government will still be achieved. Incidentally, the PVV also supports the construction of nuclear power plants.
If you want to know more, you can also read an article about climate policy by NU.nl climate reporters Jeroen Kran and Emma van Bergijk.
Wilders, a day after his victory: We will work with other parties
Why did so many people vote for the Freedom Party? Especially because of the immigration issue? Or other things?
When people think of the Freedom Party, they naturally think of limiting immigration and asylum. This is one of the reasons why so many people have been voting for the party for years. Many people are concerned about immigration. But the gains in this election were enormous.
Colleague Ido van der Goot spoke about this week with two political scientists. According to them, this is due to several factors: The VVD has opened the door so that people do not view voting for the Party for Freedom as a waste of time.
Timing also plays a role. There has been a lot of dissatisfaction with politics for some time. The government also focused its efforts on immigration. These are two things that make PVV attractive. In addition, Wilders took a constructive stance and handled the campaign intelligently.
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