Weatherman Pete Paulusma dies, 65 years old | stars

Weatherman Pete Paulusma dies, 65 years old |  stars

“It’s unbelievable how brave Pete has gone through with his illness,” says broadcaster Jan Slager. “As long as that lasted, he wanted to keep working.” The Weather Man was last shown on TV on Thursday, and he can still be heard on radio on Friday. „It is very sad that we will never see him again as his signature keeper oant moarn “You hear what I say,” said Slager.

Paulusma began his career as a weather forecaster in 1985 at Omrop Fyslân. Since September 1996, he has performed Piets Weer daily for SBS6 from different location in the country. After 23 years, SBS said it was bidding farewell to the Frisian icon because the channel thought it was time for “something new”.

The most popular weather forecaster

Paulusma then moved to Omroep MAX, where his weather forecast was first shown on January 1, 2020 at Time for MAX. Bolsma introduced material into the program every day. The meteorologist was also listened to twice daily on NPO Radio 5.

This January, Paulusma Knight was awarded the Orange-Nassau Medal for his commitment to Friesland and countless charities. He was named Weatherman of the Year three times.

Omroep MAX will broadcast a tribute to Paulusma on Tuesday at Time for MAX with the title aunt moring

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