Violetta Permades on Mario Vargas Losa’s Revelations: “I See He’s Gaining Some Misinformation” Politics

, Considered the chairman of the Council of Ministers, a Peruvian writer This “Little Unknown” When he confirms that the government has “taken the pages” in the second round “Apparently for the humble candidate, from the most backward sectors of the country.”

Speaking to the media, he confirmed that the interim and emergency government has lasted “Absolute Neutrality” During the current election process, which took place this year in April and June last year.

Check it out here | Vargas Losa: “The government has taken the pages of the obviously humblest candidate in this election.”

“All comments are respectable; however, it seems to me that he (Vargas Losa) is a little unknown.. The people and the media as a whole know, the interim and emergency government It is completely neutral and respects the principle of neutrality in the electoral environment. “, Stressed.

He noted that no contact had been made with any of the candidates and that they had indicated their readiness from the beginning of the election process. “Transfer orderly and responsible to the person selected to run the locations in Peru from July 28”.

“We are not in touch with any of the candidates. We are the executive branch We respect the separation of public powers. “, The Prime Minister said.

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Reports by Violeta Permides

In that regard, the government has pointed to the process of administrative transfer in the event of a delay in announcing the final results Comptroller General of the Republic.

In the same way, Bermudas recalled that it was a process “Exchange with Transparency” What has been done through press conferences and how departments are told.

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Regarding the constitutional reform approved by Congress last Friday, he pointed out that the move would allow former presidents of the republic to establish temporary residency for a year after the end of their term. “Very reasonable”.

“This rule was approved yesterday, which will prevent presidents from going abroad without the permission of Congress, I think in light of the political experience we have had in recent years. This is a very fair rule. “, He noted.

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Alvaro Vargas mentions Losa Francisco Sagasti and Violeta Permades
Writer Alvaro Vargas Losa considers President Francisco Sagasti and his prime minister, Violeta Permadeus, to be taking some “more politically charged approaches” to the second round of the 2021 election between Keiko Fujimori (popular force) and Point Pedro Castillo (Free Peru). ).

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