US warns that ‘not enough money to support Ukraine’

US warns that ‘not enough money to support Ukraine’
InternationalDec 4 ’23 at 11:59Modified on 4 Dec ’23 at 12:23Author of the book: PNR Web Editorial

We are running out of money and time to support Ukraine. White House Budget Director Shalanda Young has warned about this. The warning was sent to the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives and other congressional leaders. “Without action from Congress, we will be short of funds to purchase weapons and equipment for Ukraine by the end of the year.”

“Without action from Congress, we will be short of funds to purchase more weapons and equipment for Ukraine by the end of the year.” (ANP/EPA)

Not only will Ukraine run out of resources, but America itself will be left with empty supplies, Young warns. ‘There is no magic pot of money available now. Money and time are gone.’

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Less support for Ukraine

The White House has long been at odds with the House of Representatives over access to Ukraine evidence. A $106 billion package is ready to help Ukraine and Israel fight their wars. More than half of that money is for Ukraine.

Another portion of the funding is intended to improve US border security. But Republicans, who hold the majority in the House, want to tear up the package. Support for Ukraine in particular is under the microscope among hardliners within the Republican Party.

Beating ahead

Through the letter, Young hopes to force a turnaround on Ukraine’s access to resources. Without action by the council, Ukraine is more likely to face blows on the front, he warns. “Then not only would Ukraine’s previous gains be at risk, but the likelihood of a Russian military victory would increase.”

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