US says it has evidence of North Korea supplying Russia with ballistic missiles

US says it has evidence of North Korea supplying Russia with ballistic missiles

Polish farmers have resumed their blockade of the Medica border crossing with Ukraine. Farmers are protesting the import of Ukrainian grain, which is much cheaper than the grain Polish farmers grow themselves.

The farmers, who joined the strike of the Polish transport sector at the end of November, briefly called off their blockade from 24 December. The leader of the farmers’ protest, Roman Kondrow, says they will continue their protest because the Polish Minister of Agriculture has not provided official confirmation of compensation.

ANP / EPA – Truck drivers line up at the Polish-Ukrainian border near Hrebenne in southeastern Poland.

After the Russian invasion, Ukrainian truck drivers no longer need a permit to enter the EU. This creates more competition in neighboring countries, including Poland. Since early November, Polish truck drivers have been blocking several border crossings with Ukraine. This creates a long traffic jam of Ukrainian trucks, which has already claimed the lives of three truck drivers this winter.

Poland’s Minister of Agriculture, Czeslaw Siegierski, promised to improve farmers in December. Farmers have demanded from their government to provide financial assistance to them and not increase taxes. The renewed blockade will be more intense than before Christmas: farmers have announced that they will allow only one vehicle per hour. Vehicles carrying relief supplies and military equipment will be allowed.

Dana Holscher

Read more here: The blockade of Ukrainian cargo transport casts a shadow over the unity of the neighbors in Central Europe

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