UN condemns Israel for new illegal settlements

UN condemns Israel for new illegal settlements

AB Productions | Source: AP

New YorkJerusalem

The United Nations has criticized Israel for carrying out illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Security Council report said Israel’s policies “make peace difficult” and undermine the hoped-for two-state solution. This is the first time in six years that the United States has allowed the Security Council to condemn Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government last week approved nine new settlements established by Jewish settlers in the West Bank. This caused discontent among Israel’s opponents, but also among allies such as the United States. In recent years, Americans have passed resolutions and declarations against Israel.

According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the “one-sided” statement denies Jews the right to live in their historic homeland. “The report should not have been published, and the United States should not have been involved in it,” Netanyahu’s office said.

Past resolutions

The United Arab Emirates proposed passing a resolution this week calling on Israel to “immediately and completely halt all settlements in Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” Insiders say the resolution went too far for Washington, which has veto power in the Security Council.

The last resolution on Israeli settlements was adopted at the end of 2016. Then the Barack Obama administration did not participate in the referendum. The report, which was finally adopted on Monday, is non-binding, unlike resolutions.

Statement of Contents

Fifteen member states have adopted the text. The report says the UN strongly opposes “unilateral actions” such as “building, expanding or legalizing settlements and annexing Palestinian territory”. The UN also opposes the demolition of Palestinian homes and the displacement of Palestinian citizens.

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The White House has previously condemned Israel’s recognition of nine settlements. On Sunday, a controversial Israeli bill on judicial reform also led to disagreements between the two countries. The US ambassador called on the government to wait on those plans, but an Israeli minister said he “must mind his own business”.

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