Uganda’s anti-gay law has dire consequences for Dutch development aid | outside

Uganda's anti-gay law has dire consequences for Dutch development aid |  outside

If Uganda implements the recently passed legislation against homosexuality, among other things, it will have dire consequences for Dutch support for that country. Development Cooperation Minister Lesge Schrenemacher warned of this on Thursday.

Uganda’s parliament passed a law this week that criminalizes practically everything for LGBT people. Even identifying yourself as such is no longer permitted. Schrenemacher calls on Kampala not to introduce the law.

“Uganda is working on new and more radical anti-LGBTQ legislation that will even allow the death penalty for homosexuality. It is appalling, and will have devastating consequences for our support of law enforcement programs, among other things. President to stop this law.” Tweets Schrenemacher.

This is not the first time Uganda has passed anti-gay legislation. In early 2014, the president signed into law allowing people to be sentenced to life in prison for repeated homosexual acts. But the Constitutional Court declared the law invalid. Because of this legislation, the Netherlands ended its assistance to the justice sector in Uganda at that time.

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