Trust in politics is very low

Trust in politics is very low


NOS . News

Trust in Dutch politics has never been as low as it is now, according to a study by Ipsos commissioned by NOS. Seven out of ten respondents indicated that they had little or very little confidence in national policy. Confidence in the Cabinet and Prime Minister Rota is correspondingly low.

a year ago Six out of ten participants said they had little or very little faith in politics. Confidence in the cabinet and Ruti also declined further.


The Rutte IV government received a score of 4.2, a full point below 5.2 in the March municipal elections. Since Ruti’s fourth government took office at the beginning of January, the ministerial team has never scored enough goals.

Ipsos research shows that people who voted for VVD (69 percent) and D66 (55 percent) trust the current government’s majority. Among the supporters of the other two government parties, the CDA and ChristenUnie, there is a significant distrust of ministers: six out of ten supporters of the CDA and ChristenUnie have (extremely) little confidence in the government.

Among supporters of opposition parties, distrust rises from 71 percent between GroenLinks and Denk to 96 percent among BoerBurgerBeweging.


The new decline in confidence in politicians has to do with the emergence of new crises, while old problems are not resolved. 77% of respondents think the Netherlands is going in the wrong direction, while only 14% think the country is going in the right direction.

These are the issues that the government must address. Cost of living/inflation, housing market and energy supply make up the top three, with inflation prevalent at 43 percent.

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  • NOS

In the opinion of respondents, politicians should pay less attention to freedom of religion, development cooperation, and nitrogen problems.

At least eight in ten Dutch people say they are concerned about rising prices. Therefore, two-thirds of them have already modified their spending pattern, particularly by buying cheap groceries, using less energy and taking shorter showers. People also spend less money on dining out and on trips.

The number of people who can barely make ends meet per month has risen from 35 percent last year to 43 percent now. The group of Dutch people who say they can make ends meet in one year has fallen from 57 to 44 per cent.

Reducing the flow of refugees

On the asylum crisis, a large part of the respondents in this Ipsos survey said that the influx of asylum seekers should be curbed; 68 percent agree with this statement. On imposing reception space in municipalities, 43 percent said they disagree. 32% think it is permissible.

Last weekend, research by another institute, I&O Research, showed that six out of ten Dutch people support the asylum policy. According to I&O Research, this difference may be explained by the fact that some proponents are of the view that it is not currently possible to receive all asylum seekers properly and therefore find limiting the flow an acceptable temporary measure.

See also  The Freedom Party, Freedom and Democracy Party, National Security Council and BBB want to work on forming a new government, and will meet at the table on Monday.

Groningen gas tap

Participants in the Ipsos survey were also asked what they thought of gas extraction in Groningen. 49 percent think the gas tap in Groningen should be opened again, now that there is no more gas from Russia. 20 percent disagree, 23 percent of those surveyed do not have a strong opinion.

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