Trump appealed that Maine be excluded from the primary

Trump appealed that Maine be excluded from the primary

Trump, who is hoping to run for re-election as a Republican, was banned in both Maine and Colorado under a constitutional provision barring incitement from public office. In this case, that surge would be the storming of the U.S. Capitol in January 2021, which he called on his supporters.

In Colorado, the state’s Supreme Court ruled that Trump disqualified himself because of his involvement in the capitol storm. In Maine, Secretary of State and Chief Election Officer Shanna Bellows decided that Trump should not run.

Trump’s lawyers deny that he participated in a coup and argue that Bellows does not have the authority to ban the former president from the ballot.

The case is now expected to end relatively quickly before the US Supreme Court. The high court’s ruling will clarify Trump’s position during primaries for other states.

If Trump is barred from running in several states, it will reduce his chances of facing incumbent Democrat Joe Biden in November.

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