None other than Geert Wilders will be a guest on Today Inside on Wednesday 15 November. The politician wrote this on Friday morning on Channel
“I have accepted the invitation to appear as a guest on the Today Inside program a week before the election scheduled for Wednesday 15 November,” Wilders wrote. Wilders’ access to the program of Wilfried Jenny, Rene van der Gijp and Johan Derksen can be seen as a ruse. The Freedom Party leader rarely appears on talk shows.
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In the lead-up to the 2017 House of Representatives elections, Perth Showhouse conducted research into how political debate is conducted on talk shows. “Geert Wilders doesn’t come to talk shows because it’s a political risk and there’s nothing to gain. Wilders can tweet his opinion and not get a response. That’s not possible on a talk show. And he knows that very well,” says Schuhaus. Quoted from
This does not mean that Wilders has never appeared on any talk show. On Tuesday, January 15, 2019, he appeared on Robert Jensen’s talk show. Wilders’ arrival has been good for Jensen. The interview attracted 517,000 viewers, equivalent to ten percent of total viewers at the time. This was evident from KijkOnderzoek’s figures. “This is by far the most watched episode of the new Jensens to date,” Mediacourant wrote at the time.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”