If you think that you will not encounter any water monsters in our county, then you are wrong. Our fresh and salt water has animals that look terrifying or can cause serious injury. This is how Lotte Ottenbogaard came out of Riesenhout last Tuesday Minor injury from a predatory fish attack. NH Nieuws lists the most dangerous and fearsome aquatic animals.
1: toxic no matter what
The small but evil ones we live in are invading more and more lands in the North Sea. Sea creatures can often be found in our waters, because the average temperature in the sea has risen by about two degrees. Poisonous creatures less than ten centimeters long can cause problems for beach visitors. It can sting a “beast” and this is more painful than a wasp sting. According to biologist Ecomare Pierre Bonnet, more and more reports are being made about the sea creature. Fifteen years ago, the biologist told NH Nieuws, “The little ones we live were scarce. The most widely used argument for their progress is climate change. With warmer weather, we’re moving north.”
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Weever is mainly found in countries such as Spain and Morocco. He was buried in the water with his head just above the sand. So it is almost invisible in the murky waters of the North Sea. Anyone who steps on it runs the risk of being stung. “A very unpleasant turn of your vacation.”
A stranger has been stung, so what now?
Weever’s venom can cause bloating and palpitations. It won’t kill you, but if you’re sensitive to it, it can make you sick for a week.
The best thing to do with a sting is to keep the wound above 40 degrees in a bowl of water. Hot water causes the venom’s proteins to coagulate, rendering the venom inactive. Then smear with an ointment such as betadine and put a bandage on it.
2: shaft biting
But feral fish can also be found in ditches and lakes. It does not happen very often that the pike attacks a human. However, this happened to 20-year-old Lotte Ottenbogaard of Rissenhout.
It happened when she was walking around with an acquaintance on a sidewalk at Westeinderplassen in Aalsmeer around eight o’clock. “After a few minutes I felt some kind of bite in my foot.” A photo of Lotte’s foot clearly shows the minor injuries. “It started bleeding right away, it looks like teething.”
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It could be a pike or a pike fish. Pike often looks intimidating with its large mouths filled with 700 sharp teeth. The length of these fish can also reach one meter. Typically, pike is found in areas with many aquatic vegetation, tunnels, bridges, or other interruptions in the water.
The chance of being bitten by a pike is very small. Furthermore, the pike does not eat human meat and in very exceptional cases, will only bite the spear when it is in a panic state or, according to Axel Gunderson, a researcher at Haarlemmermeerse Bosplas, it is triggered by shimmering bodies. “Someone from the association attacked her diving mask. I even saw a spear attack the shiny pressure gauge on my friend’s diving equipment.”
“If the bayonet is in front of you and she starts yawning, also move away and respect their space.” Why does a pike or zander catch a foot? “If you gently kick the water with your feet, you’ll get bubbles that sparkle, too,” the researcher explains.
Afraid of pike or biting?
If you are caught by a pike, then drag Especially your foot or hand does not come back right away. The teeth are in your skin and you don’t want to cause deeper scratches. You have to remain calm and still until he leaves you.
After the bite, you should check if there is any dirt in the wound and if there is, it should be rinsed immediately. Next, you need to disinfect the wound.
If you’re a little afraid of the 700 sharp teeth, be sure to keep an eye out for tunnels, bridges, and aquatic plants right along the side. In clear water, always check first for fish or if something is slipping. “When I go swimming, I make sure nothing shines bright like the car keys,” Gunderson explains.
3: catfish nearly two meters long
He. She I love residents And visitors to Toolenburger Plas in Hoofddorp years ago did well. In the summer a very large fish was seen there.
Underwater photographer Ron Offermans went from Oostzaan to Toolenburgerplas with a number of divers. One of the divers managed to record a beautiful video of the beast. When asked if it was frightening to see the fish up close, the diver replied, “If it comes to you, yes. Sure. I stepped aside a bit.”
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Catfish has been spotted!
Although this catfish looks feral, you don’t have to worry about catfish attacking humans. Adult catfish feed mainly on fish, but other species are also on the list, such as amphibians and waterfowl. The catfish has no teeth but uses a type of beak plate with points that are pointing back that is similar to sandpaper.
4: Vampire eel
This remarkable animal has inhabited the world for millions of years and crawls into the sea and rivers of our province. The sea lamprey, also known as the lamprey, is a jawless fish with a fearsome mouth and is also known as the “vampire of sea creatures”. “Sea snakes seem to swim away from horror movies”, Declared Ecoare Agree with NH News.
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Sea snakes are parasites. Ikumari explains that the “vampire” sucks a big fish with its mouth and small teeth to drink their blood. They also eat skin and body fluids, among other things, cod, salmon, mackerel and even sharks. For those animals, such an attack by an eel could lead to death.
As soon as his prey dies, the lamprey leaves the sea and begins to search for a new victim. The animals owe their name to the nine holes on the side of their heads. The first opening is the nostril and the second is the eye. The other seven holes are used for breathing.
In 2016, during a muddy excursion on Texel, the participants of the expedition found this dangerous animal. Dangerous to the above fish at least, because the attack of the sea lamprey on humans is unknown to our home biologist Stefan Roest. He reassures, saying: “I have never heard of a sea snake sucking a human being.”
5: lobster with hollow claws
In recent years, there increasingly American lobster spotted in Holland. Lobsters seem to particularly like ‘t Gooi, as they are often seen in the Netherlands. The animals are certainly harmless, but they look especially “scary” with their large claws.
Lobsters are small in size and generally not aggressive. Crayfish have claws that they use to cut down on aquatic plants to eat and protect themselves. The claws of lobsters are small, but sharp. As long as you don’t come into contact with the claws, the lobster is harmless. A lobster will not use its claws on its own and cannot sting.
The American lobster does not originate in the Netherlands at all, but is progressing more and more. Because the beast has no natural enemies, it reproduces at lightning speed. By the way, not everyone is happy about this: in many regions, animals are considered a real epidemic. It damages the banks and affects the water quality.
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6: boat bites, or: water wasps
Finally, there is also the boat, also called reverse swimmers, and they can be found in every type of freshwater. the boat be thankful The body resembles an overturned boat. The color is brown and the back is pink. It grows to about 1.5 cm.
The boat is also called a water wasp. Because of the strong jaws, it’s best to stay away from them, as the sting can be very painful according to our wildlife reporter Stefan Roest. “It hurts for a while,” he says from his own experience.
With a sting, there’s not much you can do more than wait for the pain to go away. If the pain does not go away, it is worth contacting your doctor.
So there are some “water monsters” that can be found in our waters. However, there is no reason to panic. As long as we treat animals with respect, and take their environment into account, they will leave us alone too. Because according to Rost, the biggest water monsters are: “humans”.
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